11. New Windows into a New World

Windows…I will admit, I take mine for granted. They are the ultimate necessity that makes a home open, bright, fresh, efficient and welcoming. They are our view into the outside world from our safe inside space. So it’s no wonder we get excited about new windows!

New energy efficient, light giving, heat keeping, and easy to open windows! And here they are…at 1453 Anderson Ave.

AND!!!! A new luxurious seat from which to view the world has arrived! Scroll down to see it awaiting install below its new windows.

New windows throughout the house!

New windows throughout the house!

“Calgon! Take me Away!” Yes.  Surely someone remembers those commercials! How wonderful an escape a luxury bathtub can be! Here is your new escape…Oh, lucky owner of 1453 Anderson Ave.

“Calgon! Take me Away!” Yes. Surely someone remembers those commercials! How wonderful an escape a luxury bathtub can be! Here is your new escape…Oh, lucky owner of 1453 Anderson Ave.